Mosiah - 11/1 - 11/14
Mosiah 1: King Benjamin has 3 sons - Mosiah, Helorum, Helaman - and is near death - and gives Mosiah all his kingdom's power
Mosiah 4: King Benjamin continues -- atonement, faith, salvation -- we are nothing compared to God, nevertheless, he always loves us
Mosiah 5: King Benjamin continues -- take upon the name of Christ & serve Him
Mosiah 6: King Benjamin finishes speaking & dies :-( -- Mosiah continues Benjamin's legacy
Mosiah 7: King Mosiah is a bit worried about his neighbors in Lehi-Nephi (haven't heard from them for a bit) -- Ammon (Mosiah's son) goes and finds them! Talking about how low the people have fallen
Mosiah 8: Seership is the greatest spiritual gift
Mosiah 9: Zeniff - Nephite - Asks for strength from God in faith & it will be granted
Mosiah 10: Zeniff arms his people to protect themselves -- Lamanites come and attack - (Nephites: strong in faith, Lamanites: strong in power) - Nephites slaughtered the Lamanites
Mosiah 11: King Noah (Zeniff's son) is the WORST - Abinadi is the best :-) : REPENT and turn to the Lord! - Noah HATES Abinadi & plans to kill him!!
Mosiah 12: The Lord will punish disobedient children! - Abinadi is brought to King Noah & is questioned
Mosiah 13: Abinadi uses the power of God to teach -
Mosiah 14:
Mosiah 15: Abinadi talks about Christ & his live and his characteristics and our relationship/characteristics - REPENT for salvation!
Mosiah 16: Opposition/fall - us vs Christ
9 He is the alight and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
13 And now, ought ye not to tremble and repent of your sins, and remember that only in and through Christ ye can be saved?
Mosiah 17: King tries to get Abinadi to retract everything he said, and cast him into the fire - Abinadi dies :-(
Mosiah 18: Alma - who had been a priest of the King - continues Abinadi's teachings. Alma baptizes 204+ people. -- Share with the needy -- Alma and homies run from the King
Mosiah 19: King Noah is almost murdered by Gideon, but Lamanites attack his city & take women/children captive. Noah's priests and Noah flee! Limhi takes over for Noah and establishes peace in the land!
Mosiah 20: Lamanites vs Limhites over abducted daughters - however, they were abducted by priests of Noah
Mosiah 21: Peace -> contention btwn Lamanites & Limhites -> Limhi's people are enslaved by Lamanites again -> Limhi's peeps meet Ammon!
Mosiah 22: Gideon, Ammon, and Limhi plot how to escape & succeed -> go join Mosiah's people as free people!
Mosiah 23: People want Alma to be king -> Alma disagrees (remember Noah yall?) -> Lamanites are the worst again (take over alma's people)
22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his atrust in him the same shall be blifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people.
Mosiah 24: people taught to read/write but not taught of God! -> Alma and homies flee again! Lamanites pursue, but the Lord is on their side and end up joining King Mosiah and hopefully will have a peaceful moment
13 And it acame to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
Mosiah 25: Zarahemlites become "Nephites" and many are baptized
Mosiah 26: People are falling into unbelief & sin!! Alma doesn't know what to do - asks King Mosiah - King Mosiah doesn't want to deal with it and returns responsibility to Alma - Alma asks the Lord what to do and gets an answer! - FORGIVE and repent!
Mosiah 27: Unbelievers !> believers -- Mosiah cast a decree that unbelievers cannot persecute those in God's church - peace is restored! Alma II (and his homies) is the worst - big unbeliever who tried to destroy others beliefs - Alma II (and his homies) sees an angel - becomes weak: Alma II repents and starts teaching what his father and Mosiah taught
Mosiah 28: Sons of Mosiah (Alma IIs homies) go preach to the Lamanites - Mosiah takes control of all the records!
Mosiah 29: Mosiah is close to death - wants to appoint a group of judges instead of a new king -- has voice of the people choose judges
Mosiah 1: King Benjamin has 3 sons - Mosiah, Helorum, Helaman - and is near death - and gives Mosiah all his kingdom's power
7 And now, my sons, I would that ye should remember to asearch them diligently, that ye may profit thereby; and I would that ye should bkeep the commandments of God, that ye may cprosper in the land according to the dpromises which the Lord made unto our fathers.Mosiah 2: King Benjamin gives speech @ temple -- KEEP THE COMMANDMENTS
6 And they pitched their tents round about the temple, every man having his atent with the door thereof towards the temple,
17 And behold, I tell you these things that ye may learn awisdom; that ye may learn that when ye are in the bservice of your cfellow beings ye are only in the service of your God.
18 Behold, ye have called me your king; and if I, whom ye call your king, do labor to aserve you, then ought not ye to labor to serve one another?
19 And behold also, if I, whom ye call your king, who has spent his days in your service, and yet has been in the service of God, do merit any thanks from you, O how you ought to athank your heavenly bKing!
25 And now I ask, can ye say aught of yourselves? I answer you, Nay. Ye cannot say that ye are even as much as the dust of the earth; yet ye were acreated of the bdust of the earth; but behold, it cbelongeth to him who created you.Mosiah 3: King Benjamin continues -- atonement of Christ (FOLLOW HIM)
19 For the anatural bman is an cenemy to God, and has been from the dfall of Adam, and will be, forever and ever, unless he eyields to the enticings of the fHoly Spirit, and gputteth off the hnatural man and becometh a isaint through the atonement of Christ the Lord, and becometh as a jchild, ksubmissive, meek, humble, patient, full of love, willing to submit to all things which the Lord seeth fit to inflict upon him, even as a child doth submit to his father.
Mosiah 4: King Benjamin continues -- atonement, faith, salvation -- we are nothing compared to God, nevertheless, he always loves us
19 For behold, are we not all abeggars? Do we not all depend upon the same Being, even God, for all the substance which we have, for both food and raiment, and for gold, and for silver, and for all the riches which we have of every kind?
27 And see that all these things are done in wisdom and aorder; for it is not requisite that a man should run bfaster than he has strength. And again, it is expedient that he should be diligent, that thereby he might win the prize; therefore, all things must be done in order.11/10:
Mosiah 5: King Benjamin continues -- take upon the name of Christ & serve Him
12 I say unto you, I would that ye should remember to aretain the name written always in your hearts, that ye are not found on the left hand of God, but that ye hear and know the voice by which ye shall be called, and also, the name by which he shall call you.13 For how aknoweth a man the master whom he has not served, and who is a stranger unto him, and is far from the thoughts and intents of his heart?
Mosiah 6: King Benjamin finishes speaking & dies :-( -- Mosiah continues Benjamin's legacy
6 And it came to pass that king Mosiah did awalk in the ways of the Lord, and did observe his judgments and his statutes, and did keep his commandments in all things whatsoever he commanded him.
Mosiah 7: King Mosiah is a bit worried about his neighbors in Lehi-Nephi (haven't heard from them for a bit) -- Ammon (Mosiah's son) goes and finds them! Talking about how low the people have fallen
31 And again he saith: If my people shall sow filthiness they shall reap the aeast wind, which bringeth immediate destruction.
Mosiah 8: Seership is the greatest spiritual gift
20 O how marvelous are the works of the Lord, and how long doth he suffer with his people; yea, and how ablind and impenetrable are the understandings of the children of men; for they will not seek wisdom, neither do they desire that bshe should rule over them!
Mosiah 9: Zeniff - Nephite - Asks for strength from God in faith & it will be granted
17 Yea, in the astrength of the Lord did we go forth to battle against the Lamanites; for I and my people did cry mightily to the Lord that he would bdeliver us out of the hands of our enemies, for we were awakened to a remembrance of the deliverance of our fathers.18 And God did ahear our cries and did answer our prayers; and we did go forth in his might; yea, we did go forth against the Lamanites, and in one day and a night we did slay three thousand and forty-three; we did slay them even until we had driven them out of our land.
Mosiah 10: Zeniff arms his people to protect themselves -- Lamanites come and attack - (Nephites: strong in faith, Lamanites: strong in power) - Nephites slaughtered the Lamanites
Mosiah 11: King Noah (Zeniff's son) is the WORST - Abinadi is the best :-) : REPENT and turn to the Lord! - Noah HATES Abinadi & plans to kill him!!
Mosiah 12: The Lord will punish disobedient children! - Abinadi is brought to King Noah & is questioned
Mosiah 13: Abinadi uses the power of God to teach -
3 aTouch me not, for God shall smite you if ye lay your hands upon me, for I have not delivered the message which the Lord sent me to deliver; neither have I told you that which ye brequested that I should tell; therefore, God will not suffer that I shall be destroyed at this time.
4 But I must fulfil the commandments wherewith God has commanded me; and because I have told you the truth ye are angry with me. And again, because I have spoken the word of God ye have judged me that I am mad.
Mosiah 14:
5 But he was awounded for our btransgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with his stripes we are chealed.
6 All we, like asheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord hath laid on him the iniquities of us all.
Mosiah 15: Abinadi talks about Christ & his live and his characteristics and our relationship/characteristics - REPENT for salvation!
Mosiah 16: Opposition/fall - us vs Christ
9 He is the alight and the life of the world; yea, a light that is endless, that can never be darkened; yea, and also a life which is endless, that there can be no more death.
13 And now, ought ye not to tremble and repent of your sins, and remember that only in and through Christ ye can be saved?
Mosiah 17: King tries to get Abinadi to retract everything he said, and cast him into the fire - Abinadi dies :-(
Mosiah 18: Alma - who had been a priest of the King - continues Abinadi's teachings. Alma baptizes 204+ people. -- Share with the needy -- Alma and homies run from the King
9 Yea, and are awilling to mourn with those that bmourn; yea, and comfort those that stand in need of comfort, and to stand as cwitnesses of God at all times and in all things, and in all places that ye may be in, even until death, that ye may be redeemed of God, and be numbered with those of the dfirst resurrection, that ye may have eternal life—
10 Now I say unto you, if this be the desire of your hearts, what have you against being abaptized in the bname of the Lord, as a witness before him that ye have entered into a ccovenant with him, that ye will serve him and keep his commandments, that he may pour out his Spirit more abundantly upon you?
27 And again Alma commanded that the people of the church should impart of their substance, aevery one according to that which he had; if he have more abundantly he should impart more abundantly; and of him that had but little, but little should be required; and to him that had not should be given.
Mosiah 19: King Noah is almost murdered by Gideon, but Lamanites attack his city & take women/children captive. Noah's priests and Noah flee! Limhi takes over for Noah and establishes peace in the land!
Mosiah 20: Lamanites vs Limhites over abducted daughters - however, they were abducted by priests of Noah
Mosiah 21: Peace -> contention btwn Lamanites & Limhites -> Limhi's people are enslaved by Lamanites again -> Limhi's peeps meet Ammon!
Mosiah 22: Gideon, Ammon, and Limhi plot how to escape & succeed -> go join Mosiah's people as free people!
Mosiah 23: People want Alma to be king -> Alma disagrees (remember Noah yall?) -> Lamanites are the worst again (take over alma's people)
22 Nevertheless—whosoever putteth his atrust in him the same shall be blifted up at the last day. Yea, and thus it was with this people.
Mosiah 24: people taught to read/write but not taught of God! -> Alma and homies flee again! Lamanites pursue, but the Lord is on their side and end up joining King Mosiah and hopefully will have a peaceful moment
13 And it acame to pass that the voice of the Lord came to them in their afflictions, saying: Lift up your heads and be of good comfort, for I know of the covenant which ye have made unto me; and I will covenant with my people and deliver them out of bondage.
14 And I will also ease the aburdens which are put upon your shoulders, that even you cannot feel them upon your backs, even while you are in bondage; and this will I do that ye may stand as bwitnesses for me hereafter, and that ye may know of a surety that I, the Lord God, do visit my people in their cafflictions.
Mosiah 25: Zarahemlites become "Nephites" and many are baptized
Mosiah 26: People are falling into unbelief & sin!! Alma doesn't know what to do - asks King Mosiah - King Mosiah doesn't want to deal with it and returns responsibility to Alma - Alma asks the Lord what to do and gets an answer! - FORGIVE and repent!
29 Therefore I say unto you, Go; and whosoever transgresseth against me, him shall ye ajudge baccording to the sins which he has committed; and if he cconfess his sins before thee and me, and drepenteth in the sincerity of his heart, him shall ye eforgive, and I will forgive him also.
31 And ye shall also aforgive one another your trespasses; for verily I say unto you, he that forgiveth not his bneighbor’s trespasses when he says that he repents, the same hath brought himself under condemnation.
Mosiah 27: Unbelievers !> believers -- Mosiah cast a decree that unbelievers cannot persecute those in God's church - peace is restored! Alma II (and his homies) is the worst - big unbeliever who tried to destroy others beliefs - Alma II (and his homies) sees an angel - becomes weak: Alma II repents and starts teaching what his father and Mosiah taught
37 And how blessed are they! For they did apublish bpeace; they did publish good tidings of good; and they did declare unto the people that the Lord reigneth.
Mosiah 28: Sons of Mosiah (Alma IIs homies) go preach to the Lamanites - Mosiah takes control of all the records!
Mosiah 29: Mosiah is close to death - wants to appoint a group of judges instead of a new king -- has voice of the people choose judges
12 Now it is better that a man should be ajudged of God than of man, for the judgments of God are always just, but the judgments of man are not always just.
13 Therefore, aif it were possible that you could have bjust men to be your kings, who would establish the claws of God, and judge this people according to his commandments, yea, if ye could have men for your kings who would do even as my father dBenjamin did for this people—I say unto you, if this could always be the case then it would be expedient that ye should always have kings to rule over you.
America: 32 And now I desire that this ainequality should be no more in this land, especially among this my people; but I desire that this land be a land of bliberty, and cevery man may enjoy his rights and privileges alike, so long as the Lord sees fit that we may live and inherit the land, yea, even as long as any of our posterity remains upon the face of the land.
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