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1 Nephi (9/9-9/28)

Here's some thoughts about 1 Nephi :-)
Chapter 1 - Nephi is such a good dude. He was born to good, righteous parents and despite his trials and brothers picking on him, he still has a stronger testimony than I'll ever have. (1 Nephi 20)

Chapter 2 - What kind of faith did Lehi have to have to leave everything but his family, and take off to live in the wilderness? Murmuring cannot coexist with truly knowing God.

Chapter 3 - Again, what kind of faith did Nephi have to just say, I will go and do whatever is needed because I know the Lord will always be there for me. Even after being chased out of the kingdom? Dang boy

Chapter 4 - Nephi is such a good missionary. He followed the holy ghost to kill Laban and get the plates and then listened to that holy ghost to convince Zoram to join him and his brothers. What a guy.

Chapter 5 - I think Sariah gets a bad rap at this point. The way I've always seen it is Sariah didn't have a testimony that her husband was doing the right thing and thought he sent their sons to their death. It isn't until Nephi and his brother return that Sariah says "I know that Lehi was commanded of the Lord". How hard would it have been, for this loving mother to see her husband and sons go through these trials, and not know? Man, what a strong woman!

9/14/19:  Chapter 6 - What's in the Book of Mormon is there to persuade people to come to the gospel, & it's all necessary!

9/16/19:  Chapter 7 - one thing that I think is overlooked in this chapter is how Nephi actually gave his brothers a choice. He didn't say hey I know everything because I'm God's chosen or whatever he was like okay well you guys can go back to our home but you're going to die and the Lord told me that and you can believe me or not but that's that and thankfully they ended up not going and dying

Chapter 8 - this chapter has always been one of my favorites and it's so full of symbolism and imagery. How hard would it have been to be one of those people who held fast to that rod of iron and ignored the mocking and the hardships in the temptations and got to the tree and stayed and partook and didn't fall away? I know as a concept it's straightforward but as I try and do that in my life it's so so hard to just hold fast and ignore those things.

Chapter 9 - Large plates of Nephi: secular history & smaller plates of Nephi: sacred things; The Lord knows everything, so we just need to give our trust to him.

9/18/19: Chapter 10 - Verse 6: we're all lost without Christ, we need only turn to him! This chapter talks a lot about Christ's (1st) coming. Verse 17: Nephi didn't just rely on his father's vision & testimony, but found out on his own.

9/19/19: Chapter 11 - Verse 17 is one of my favorite scriptures. When asked by an angel, if Nephi knows God, Nephi responds saying, "I know that he loveth his children, nevertheless, I do not know the meaning of all things." This is the most basic testimony everyone should have. Like yes, I don't know much, but I know that God loves me, which is one of the most important things.

9/20/19: Chapter 12 - Temptation is hard, and everyone everywhere struggles with it, from Eve, until we are all resurrected.

9/21/19: Chapter 13 - The "abominable church" is everywhere, we just need to hold fast to our testimonies!

Chapter 14 - There are 2 churches: God's church and the Devil's church & you're always in one of them. God's church has always been plain/simple to understand

Chapter 15"We don't understand" "Have ye inquired of the Lord?" ; 

Chapter 16 - Nephi breaks his bow -> everyone but Nephi murmers -> everyone complains agains God -> Nephi makes new bow & asks Lehi to ask the Lord where he should hunt -> Nephi follows it & gets food!
-After Ishmael dies, everyone wants to kill Lehi & Nephi, but the Lord scolds them!
What kind of nearly unending faith did Nephi have to have, to be able to go through these 2 things?? Honestly, don't understand how that happens.

Chapter 17 - "He did provide means for us"
-God tells Nephi to build a ship, and his first reaction is "where should I go to get resources?"

Chapter 18: Nephi prays constantly for instruction on building ship; L&L bind Nephi on the ship -> Liahona doesn't work -> L&L realize it's God's wrath -> release Nephi -> Nephi praises God
-"nothing save the power of God could save them" -- accurate for us now!!

Chapter 19: Everything on the plates is necessary & important


Chapter 20, 21: ?
Chapter 22: scriptures=both temporal & spiritual!; v14:"they shall fall into the pit which they digged to ensnare the people of the Lord." ;  Satan has no power in the heart of the righteous


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